Facts About Lines And Angles

Geometry  is not just a branch of mathematics , it is also part of what surrounds us. The screen in front of you, isn’t it a rectangle? Don’t our bodies, for example, have different types of lines and angles ? Some more straight, others more curved; but straight lines and curved lines, after all. We will dedicate this post specifically to lines and angles .

Undoubtedly, geometry is one of the branches of Mathematics, which helps in achieving the objectives pursued by educational institutions and their professionals, for the stages to which they are directed, especially for  Primary school children .

For many reasons, we can say that geometric figures , through their exercises , give primary school children basic knowledge to manage life and the society in which we live; and of course the desire and curiosity to continue learning and progressing.

Let’s talk about the lines:

Every line is made up of points, which is the minimum unit. A point is what has no dimension: neither height, nor width, nor depth. In such a way that those points can only live in the imagination of the one who does the mathematics, because they are infinitely small.

A line is formed by a succession of points, these are so close together that when you see them they form a continuous line.

  • Lines Semirecta : It is one of the two parts in which a line is divided from a point. It has a beginning and it has no end. A point divides a line into two portions that originate at the point itself and are infinite at their ends.
  • Segment : In geometry, the segment is a portion of the line that is between two points, called extreme or final points. Thus, given two points A and B, segment AB is called the intersection of the ray of origin A containing point B with the ray of origin B containing point A.

Types of Lines or Straights.

  • Parallel Lines : They are the lines located in the same plane that no matter how long they are prolonged, they are never cut. That is, parallel lines are two or more lines in a plane that never intersect.
  • Secant Lines : They are the lines located in the same plane that intersect at a point.
  • Perpendicular Lines or Straights : They are the intersecting lines that divide the plane into four equal parts, forming four right angles. Perpendiculars can be drawn in the following ways: with a square, through a point belonging to or outside the straight line, with a compass, through a point belonging to or outside the straight line.

Let’s talk about Angles:

An angle is the portion of the plane between two rays that have a common origin.

To measure angles we use the protractor, and the unit of measure for the amplitude of angles is the degree. A degree is each one of the 360 ​​equal angles into which a circle can be divided, to understand this topic a little more you have to keep in mind the close relationship between  lines and angles.

Parts of an angle:

In a plane, two rays with a common origin always generate two angles.

  • Vertex : Point in common that their sides have.
  • Sides : Each one of the rays that form it.
  • Amplitude : It is the opening of its sides and is measured in degrees.

 Types of angles:

Depending on its size, there are several types, that is, depending on the degrees it has:

  • Acute angle : Measures less than 90° and more than 0°.
  • Right angle : It measures 90° and its sides are always perpendicular to each other.
  • Obtuse Angle : Greater than 90° but less than 180°.
  • Straight angle : Measures 180°. Just like if we join two right angles.

Application of lines and angles in different sciences

Since we have clear information about the theoretical aspects of lines and angles , it is time to learn more about the real application that is given in the different areas of knowledge:

lines and angles in chemistry 

To understand a little more about this point, the first thing to know is that organic molecules are chains made up mainly of carbon and hydrogen. These molecules are linked by bonds that may or may not be covalent and are represented by a line.

In this case, the lines indicate the spatial orientation that the molecule will have. To understand this a little better, it should be clear that:

  • A straight line that thickens projecting like a wedge allows the link location to be understood to project above the plane.
  • If it is a dotted line, it indicates that the link is directed towards the back of the plane.
  • On the contrary, if a continuous and thin line is presented, it allows us to understand that the link is on the surface of the plane.

The structure requires an organization, because in many cases the atoms can be represented three-dimensionally, when this happens it is necessary to know where the lines and angles go in each case, as happens with the tetrahedral representation.

lines and angles in astronomy 

For those who want to study how space behaves and who dream of going further, it is important to know the application of lines and angles in this science, the way in which the planets move or how they can be accessed .

Although seeing astronauts travel on rockets seems simple, the scientists behind them must calculate the pressure exerted by the atmosphere on these pieces of equipment to determine first the line of trajectory they must follow and second, the correct angle to enter the space. atmosphere in such a way that the rocket does not explode on contact.

Lines and angles in physics 

To understand the forces of nature, it is necessary to understand how the lines and angles they form interact with each other, either to impart greater or lesser force.

Straight lines when they meet at a flat angle allow objects to acquire all possible force, allowing movement to be fluid, on the contrary, in the case of achieving inclined angles, gravitational force comes into play.

This type of knowledge can be taught to children during primary school , since it is possible to explain it through experiments, you can use a toy car and push it in a straight line, you will see how it moves continuously in what is known as uniform rectilinear movement .

Whereas if looking for a slope composed of an obtuse angle, there will be a resistance to go up no matter how much momentum is applied to the object, in this way it is simply explained how lines and angles can directly influence physics.

Where to learn more about this area?

If you are interested in learning elementary mathematics , or lines and angles as geometric figures in the most fun way, do not hesitate to contact us. We are a Business School specialized in online training. Euroinnova invites you to be part of our course because we have the online modality that allows you to see the classes according to the availability of time. We will be happy to help you!

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