Author name: Geometry Spot

What Is Geometry?

Geometry is a branch of mathematics that focuses on the study of shapes, sizes, and relative positions of figures and shapes in space. It has been used for centuries to describe and measure the world around us. Geometry can be used to solve problems in many fields including engineering, architecture, art, and navigation. At its …

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High School Geometry VS College Level Geometry: What’s The Difference?

High school geometry and college level geometry are two very different forms of mathematics. Although both involve the same fundamental concepts, there are several key differences between the two. High school geometry focuses on basic concepts such as lines, angles, shapes, and theorems, while college level geometry encompasses more advanced topics such as non–Euclidean geometry …

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Facts About Lines And Angles

Geometry  is not just a branch of mathematics , it is also part of what surrounds us. The screen in front of you, isn’t it a rectangle? Don’t our bodies, for example, have different types of lines and angles ? Some more straight, others more curved; but straight lines and curved lines, after all. We will dedicate this post specifically to lines and angles . Undoubtedly, geometry is one …

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Judgment Theorem for Similarity of Triangle Angles

Theorem 1 (Angle, angle determination theorem) In $\triangle ABC$ and $\triangle A’B’C’$, if $\angle A = \angle A’$, $\angle B = \angle B’$, then $\triangle ABC \xs \triangle A’B’C’$.△ABC△ABCand△A‘B‘C‘△A′B′C′in, if∠A=∠A‘∠A=∠A′,∠B=∠B‘∠B=∠B′,but△ABC △A‘B‘C‘△ABC△A′B′C′. prove According to the proportional theorem of common angles , note that $\angle C = \angle C’$, there are:∠C=∠C‘∠C=∠C′,Have: S△ABCS△A‘B‘C‘=AB⋅ACA‘B‘⋅A‘C‘=AB⋅BCA‘B‘⋅B‘C‘=AC⋅BCA‘C‘⋅B‘C‘S△ABCS△A′B′C′=AB⋅ACA′B′⋅A′C′=AB⋅BCA′B′⋅B′C′=AC⋅BCA′C′⋅B′C′thereby ACA‘C‘=BCB‘C‘=ABA‘B‘ACA′C′=BCB′C′=ABA′B′Therefore △ABC △A‘B‘C‘△ABC△A′B′C′ Theorem 2 (Edge, angle, …

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Formula For Distance Between Two Parallel Lines

l1:ax+by+c1=0 l2:ax+by+c2=0 The distance is: the absolute value of (c1-c2) divided by the square root (a square plus b square) Distance formula: d=|C1-C2|/√(A^2+B^2) The origin of the formula: Let the two straight line equations be Ax+By+C1=0, Ax+By+C2=0. The distance between two parallel straight lines is the distance from any point on one straight line to another …

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Parallel Lines Property Theorem

Theorem 1 Two lines perpendicular to the same line are parallel. Theorem 2 Parallel lines are equidistant everywhere. Theorem 3 Two parallel straight lines are intercepted by a third straight line, and the interior angles are equal. Proof: Theorem 1 straight linel1⊥l3l1⊥l3,l2⊥l3l2⊥l3, to prove:l1 l2l1l2. Prove by contradiction. As shown in the figure: Assumptionl1l1andl2l2not parallel, straightl3l3hand over separatelyl1l1,l2l2AtAA,BB, you can …

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